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Plastic Tray for Electronic part & Automotive part together with food packaging under ISO9001:2015 and ISO22000:2005

Require contact or partner including distributor for joint business

G Plastic Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer of the plastic tray for various industries like electronics, automotive, food, and packaging. We also manufacture and distribute Cross Flow Media for the wastewater treatment system.
Showing 1-2 of 2 results.
Plastic Tray for Food Industry

The trays are designed to be resistant to high and low temperature, used in the microwave, and frozen food industry.

Electronics Industry.

Plastic trays can be made from PP, PS, PET in both antistatic and conductive types.

Polypropylene Thermoforming Plastic Granules (PP)

Customized-compound PP for thermoforming application. It's MFI property is vary from 1-3 g/10min testing with 230oC condition.

Polystyrene Plastic Granules (PS)

Customized-compound PS for plastic box and elctric control box products.

Showing 1-4 of 4 results.